A Poem by Ron
Knitting threads to link it all,
Happiness and trends together,
Oh God, knit me one,
Myself, a dim lighted tailor.
Measured sewing along the wa..
A Poem by Ron
Emotional attachment,
Side by side rooms,
Blame lies within a fugitive soul,
Narrowing limits to let go.
Disdained sins of a saint,
A Poem by Ron
Creation who saw sin,
Rolling like a dice in cold,
Shivering on edge of time,
"Life should be loved", unfold.
Reasons to feel proud,
For those ..
A Poem by Ron
Smell the wit of rain,
By the broken window of solitude,
Tears flowing down the sky,
The haziness of those spectacles.
The winds of desolation ..
A Poem by Ron
Broken heart passenger,
Riding dismal acceptance level,
Those who care ,trying to prettify life,
But again, everything goes in vain!!
Silence cr..
A Poem by Ron
Candle of night on lament street,
Few things left unsaid,
Resonated wave of grey matter,
Potraying aliveness ,when they judge me dead.
Loved you..
A Poem by Ron
Idle mind fallacy,
Like a scarecrow in garden,
Shredded smile upon its face,
Awaiting birds to cry in hunger.
Colourblind memories ,
When eyes ..