there are those momentsafter a chaotic, hectic whirlwind,after pressing your way homewardeverything upended,nothing went right,and all you can think o..
they were all therelaid out so deliciouslydelicately wrappedas not to fade too far from viewand yet, you didn't noticeas we continued our usual chatsa..
I thought of her today asI sometimes doin bittersweet fragmented wisps,a brief hi-hothat familiar slash inside my soulwas it really her I missedor the..
it was never about the gaggle of girls aways aroundor the sly snickers, angry smirksnone of that mattered as I mattered notin the greater scheme of th..
how do you explainhow could this actually be?it was like seeing again for the first time in a long timeas I looked your way,quite unexpectedlywhat a s..
and youwith your easy style, carefreelaugh - so contagiousa dream come truefantasies fulfilledfor every girland maybe boy,let's not get technical here..
somewhere among those bumps and scrapesendless nights of circumstancefoolish outcomes ofserious mistakes and angry wrongs,you were therecascading effo..
I have lived a million years in my mindif only to dream of you,the scars and screams of yesterdaypale in comparison to my view,andthough they may be f..
Somewhere in the midst of madnessthe answers filtered through and flew away,chaos at the readystorms dare to tempt, withoutstampedes across the crushi..
I waited here on the other side of expectantwhile minutes fled into somewhere unknownas you drove away into oblivionand I,looked around for possible s..