RaulBorzzoXIV : Writing

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Saga of The Inept. chapter 2

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Saga of The Inept. chapte..

A Chapter by RaulBorzzoXIV

misadventure ensues when a broach is stolen from an unsuspecting skitty. Pascal, Ulivier, Richter, and Inrinara get involved in catching the devious m..
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Saga of The Inept chapter 1

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Saga of The Inept chapter..

A Chapter by RaulBorzzoXIV

Pascal, awakened by an annoying slowbro, comforts and meets Ulivier, a shelmet. The two set off on a post office to get answers from a wizardly doctor
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Saga of The Inept. chapter 3

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Saga of The Inept. chapte..

A Chapter by RaulBorzzoXIV

A variety of lectures divied out to Pascal and Ulivier, Richter, Inrinara, Marth, and jane
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Saga of The Inept

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Saga of The Inept

A Book by RaulBorzzoXIV

Pascal, a narcissistic balloon type of guy, meets up with a snail that has faint reminiscences of a human life. Curious in helping the shelmet, Ulivie..