Ralph Rosell : Writing

Dream more than one night stands

Dream more than one night stands

A Poem by Ralph Rosell

When dreams are prioritized before "commitment"
Treasurable teachings

Treasurable teachings

A Poem by Ralph Rosell

Accept good things from wherever it comes.
Loving oneself

Loving oneself

A Poem by Ralph Rosell

What do they mean by loving yourself? Why do I have to love myself first??
Depression is a

Depression is a

A Poem by Ralph Rosell

Dedicated to people going through depression.
These critters we call emotion

These critters we call emotion

A Poem by Ralph Rosell

Dedicated to all parents put there.
Dream the impossible

Dream the impossible

A Poem by Ralph Rosell

Dedicated to all the dreamers out there!
If only our eyes saw souls

If only our eyes saw souls

A Poem by Ralph Rosell

A dedication to all women!


A Poem by Ralph Rosell

Love yours