Infernal Dimension Comics : Writing

The Order of the Forsaken

The Order of the Forsaken

A Story by Infernal Dimension Comics

*Set after the events of the main "Crisis:Earth" story* *READ #2 in "C:E" INTRO FIRST!" Something has driven a mysterious man to build an army and c..
Crisis:Earth 101

Crisis:Earth 101

A Chapter by Infernal Dimension Comics

This is the official introduction into the world of "Crisis:Earth". Consider this your crash course in the basic elements of the story!
Revelation 1 (concept)

Revelation 1 (concept)

A Chapter by Infernal Dimension Comics

Here is what we refer to as our "dummy script". What some would consider "non-cannon", we consider more of a "what if" or "parallel possibility"


A Book by Infernal Dimension Comics

This is it! This is the Infernal Dimension brain baby! An epic anthology about human (and non-human) life after Earth. Fasten your seatbelts!