CaptainWak : Writing

The tree that learned how to walk

The tree that learned how to walk

A Story by CaptainWak

This is a story about a tree that I am completely making up in all of five minutes. I haven't written anything in at least 2-3 months...
A door

A door

A Story by CaptainWak

This is based off of stories that my sister used to tell.
Seated Adventures

Seated Adventures

A Story by CaptainWak

This is a story about a chair.
This thing is so bad it doesn't deserve a title

This thing is so bad it doesn't deserve a title

A Story by CaptainWak

I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I wrote it. The worst part is that it's not done and there will quite possibly be more. The genre is a ..
The Homicidal Avocado

The Homicidal Avocado

A Story by CaptainWak

This was a story from way back when. I don't have the original writing for it though, so it does differ from the first time I told it.
Cooking made easy

Cooking made easy

A Poem by CaptainWak

I'm too stupid to memorize all sorts of complex recipes. We all know how love is like the most important ingredient. Love alone doesn't make a dish. S..
Hugs are medical procedures?

Hugs are medical procedures?

A Poem by CaptainWak

Again, this thing was a reply that I decided to post here. I should quit using poems in my replies.
Your friend on the internet

Your friend on the internet

A Poem by CaptainWak

I just wrote this to reply to a message. I then decided to move it here. Heck if I know why.
The day that chinchillas took over the world

The day that chinchillas took over the world

A Story by CaptainWak

I originally posted this at anime.project-ddl but I figured that this website would be a better home.