hdean : Writing

Path Taken

Path Taken

A Poem by hdean

I have grown. I do not recognize the path that I am on, if I am on a path at all. But I walk sturdily and I am conscious of the steps that ..
stay with me

stay with me

A Poem by hdean

This is not the end for me Stay with me Stay with me Stay with me I see vast oceans reflecting back Coiled in delicate pools Spi..
sheets of night sky

sheets of night sky

A Poem by hdean

It is Sunday morning, and it is 4 am. I have always found choral music to be extraordinarily peaceful It’s like my soul has b..
alluring lullaby

alluring lullaby

A Poem by hdean

I don’t trust you. I am desperately trying to bury my roots into others But the gentle tendrils are shivering from the bite of the wi..
Breathe Out

Breathe Out

A Poem by hdean

inhales are inevitably followed by exhales
Breathe In

Breathe In

A Poem by hdean

the cold air is stinging my throat with a vigor that I haven't felt in a long time
soul strings

soul strings

A Poem by hdean

What does it feel like to preserve your inner self with all that you can muster? What does it feel like to coat your skin in a shimmering numb..
hiding behind a mask

hiding behind a mask

A Poem by hdean

I am not happy.My smile is rusting in my mouth, exposed to the toxic words and barbed emotions that tumble through my head. My painted-on grin is pat..


A Poem by hdean

An evening walk on the beach