theresa : Writing

Changing Habits

Changing Habits

A Story by theresa

Doing things in a new fresh way.
Tough Decisions

Tough Decisions

A Story by theresa

How we feel when making tough decisions and once they are made.


A Story by theresa

The different types of friends we have.
Fierce Protector

Fierce Protector

A Story by theresa

The instinct to protect our young is trong.
Explaination Please

Explaination Please

A Story by theresa

Explaining our use of a word to someone who doesn't understand our meaning.
Pawn in Someone's Game

Pawn in Someone's Game

A Story by theresa

Becoming aware of being made a pawn in someone's game.
Fresh Perspective

Fresh Perspective

A Story by theresa

Reconnecting with our true self while traveling.
Finding Silence

Finding Silence

A Story by theresa

Do we use sound to silence the voice within.