When it's over you will know.
That feeling of butterflies you use to get when you were with him,
will be gone.
The big smile that use to stre..
creative writing prompt was inner conflict
One single word
That holds so much meaning
How can anything last forever
Everything has a shelf life
Every person has a ti..
You can’t control when someone
leaves your life forever. Yes you can try to prevent that person from leaving
and yes you can probably stop..
A book about a family struggle more of the description in the Author's note box
Lidia(before she died):
Her name was Lidia Harris; she was my twin sister. We never really looked that much alike. She was beautiful with her long and wavy brunette hair an..
After Lidia got cancer, mom never let her out of the house, who can blame her? It’s like I always say, Half Moon Bay, California, the people a..
Miley Elizabeth Syden
Miley's motto: Just shut up, do what your told, put a smile on your face, and you'll live another day.
The world is a funny place. It’s filled with people, some good, others not so good. I don’t really believe that someone can be bad, at lea..