Update, not an actual poem
My name is Megan.And this is my voice.I am a survivor of the real world.Abuse, bullies,conformity. Everything it had to throw at me. Killing off the o..
1. I'm an artist and I'm dangerous around art supplies
2. I'm still a little kid, thanks to my childhood being ripped from me
3. I fear the dark..
Written during Spanish, watiting for something to happen
I can hear the whistle.I know where it runs.I could, I should....But not just yet.I can see myself,Hiding out on it.Hanging on to one thing:My hope fo..
Why?Why did you abandon me?Why did you believe those lies?Why didn't you talk to me first?You were my best friend..........Why aren't you anymore?Why ..
Pain,It's blinding meAnd my arm are outReaching for anyone,Anything,to hold onto.Someone to pull me up,Dust me off,And carry me when I fall.So here I ..
All I ever wanted...Hope.Something to keep me going.Did I find it?I thought so.But they ripped it from me.Like a child's toy, no longer his.Maybe I fo..
Do you hear that?Silence....Utter silence.Driving into your brain like a drill,Screaming into your tortured soul...Alone, without noise....Nothing.Not..
I'm dancing...And there's a ribbon.On each one....A name.There's ribbons coating the ground.Everywhere.I catch a group of letters...'Neon.''Mommy.''Lo..