Peibulu : Writing

Barking Mad

Barking Mad

A Story by Peibulu

He hadn't wanted her dead.No, that wasn't true.He hadn't wanted to kill her. No, that wasn't true either. He hadn't meant to ACTUALLY kill her. That w..
My mother likes to cook

My mother likes to cook

A Poem by Peibulu

AKA Everything is a feminist marvel. Everything.


A Poem by Peibulu

Take my word, this poem will be my breaking point. You will read this and you will never forget me. This is for the graduating class. But it's also fo..
Yemeja will not rise

Yemeja will not rise

A Story by Peibulu

A short story from a series I am working on about Nigerian and Colombian deities known as 'Orisha'. Oya is the goddess of fire. Shango, her brother, a..
I know you (I think I know you)

I know you (I think I know you)

A Story by Peibulu

Side piece from the short story collection 'intimacy'
TL;DR: Let me live

TL;DR: Let me live

A Poem by Peibulu

I swear once or twice, but mostly it's just very frantic. I hope you enjoy it