Once upon a time, there was an island called Food Island. All the things there were made out of food. The horses were made out of pizza, the water we..
Boom, Bam, Crash, Bam
pillows hit teachers,
while i'm eating my fingers.
We throw ten pillows to them,
they'll throw 100 pillows backto us.
Little Hamster
Little hamster grey and small,
rolling on a ball infront of a door.
Eating strawberries through his cage,
Running through my doorwa..
This poem is about my Annoying, Stupid, Silly and Crazy older sister.
This is a diary of me and Yoyo in the Water Park.
He is my classmate
He's a very naughty boy
Nobody likes him
A brilliant class
Our teacher is wonderful
She's a good teacher
My best birthday party ever.
One morning, I woke up and found that I had grown two extra pairs of arms. I thought I was still dreaming, but when I hit my face, I really wasn't dr..
Trap is a name of my friend.