Klanger : Writing

Bifold 25 issue #4 Grey Wolf

Bifold 25 issue #4 Grey Wolf

A Story by Klanger

Bifold 45#4 Grey-WolfJohn lifted him up and onto a log. "Should we kill him?" He asked."No... I think he acted on instincts. We don't know enough abou..
Bifold 45 issue #3 The Jungle

Bifold 45 issue #3 The Jungle

A Story by Klanger

Bifold 45#3 the JungleI was a little scared I have to admit. I was stuck in a jungle with deadly creatures and Strike agents plus it was the night. Jo..
Bifold 45 issue #2 Strike

Bifold 45 issue #2 Strike

A Story by Klanger

Bifold 45Issue #2 StrikeI ran to the window only to see Strike agents start to flame the tree. ‘How did they find me?’ I thought. I looked..
Bifold 45 issue #1 Black-Hawk

Bifold 45 issue #1 Black-Hawk

A Chapter by Klanger

Bifold 45Issue #1 Black-HawkI was building my tree house in the forest as somewhere I could lay low for the years to come. Being a secret agent is har..
Left Behind - John Chapters 5-8

Left Behind - John Chapters 5-8

A Chapter by Klanger

John has lost Rob already and who is he going to lose next.
Left Behind - John Chapters 1-4

Left Behind - John Chapters 1-4

A Chapter by Klanger

This time see the Zombie Apocalypse from John Fly's prospective in a new chapter of Left Behind.
Left Behind - Sam Chapters 5-8

Left Behind - Sam Chapters 5-8

A Chapter by Klanger

Sam is Back. Will he survive?
Left Behind - Sam Chapters 1-4

Left Behind - Sam Chapters 1-4

A Chapter by Klanger

Sam is a Zombie survivor with a group of people. Can he survive