Darkness came on quickly.The path was not well-tread.A whisper stopped my progress,And filled my heart with dread.I had taken a familiar road,The one ..
She played under the magnoliaOn a thousand petals it cast down;And she was a little princessWith bouncing curls for a crown.Or had we fallen under a s..
In twilight, tears catchDying light--Rolling, falling,Into the night.A day’s regrets,And lingering pain,Will make it hardTo sleep again.In moonl..
I find you in all kinds of places,Cozy, little, hiding spaces.Cornered with your little schemes--Mischief (one of many themes).Huddled just behind the..
Tall prairie grass whispersto gentle wind, its friend,“Running Deer was here.She ran until the end.”“I know,” sighs wind,&ldqu..
So, I married the Swedish exchange student. While in high school. LOL AND we are together 20 years later.
She found a place in Autumn’s hallTo dance among the leaves,To pirouette in fading light,And trump what Grace achieves.Her variation went unseen..
More blue than gray,in Nordic light,reflected off the snow.And far away inHeady thoughtsWhere only dreamers go.