drtism : Writing

Waking Up

Waking Up

A Poem by drtism

Unplugging from the matrix
Left and Right, Lost in Translation

Left and Right, Lost in Translation

A Story by drtism

Perspective interaction between Right and Left Brained people
Outline: "Anatomy of the Soul"

Outline: "Anatomy of the Soul"

A Book by drtism

Anatomy of the Soul: Outline "The Material world, though meant to be the playground of the Self and the Soul, In this Space-Time dimension, vies f..
Anatomy of the Soul

Anatomy of the Soul

A Book by drtism

An exploration into the depths of what it means to be human.


A Poem by drtism

My head brimming with facts and data I may recite on cue, It profits me not to See a shade or hue. Though storage and speed be as a computer, ..


A Poem by drtism

Some high, some low, some loud, some not, my guides above me, just aloft. As a naive a trial, an inch a mile, still drawn to her, my stunner does pul..
My Road, My Armor

My Road, My Armor

A Poem by drtism

For better, for worse, mine is a road less traveled. My path, so treacherous!, Many arrows do cross it's lanes. When aware, my road, so beau..


A Story by drtism

When I was young I looked up to people. At first it was those who had authority over me like my parents, teachers, aunts and uncles and the like. Wh..
Education ain't all that!

Education ain't all that!

A Story by drtism

Why is it a literally a nearly forgone conclusion that when but a mere popper proffers the sage advice that Education is the key to success, or at t..
How I got here

How I got here

A Story by drtism

From birth to age 29 was a blur to me, though I remember it all with crystal clarity. Mine is the quintessential creation of a high functioning..

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