Gee : Writing

A heart kissed by hope(spring)

A heart kissed by hope(spring)

A Poem by Gee

Musing on the changing seasons of yesteryear
I wonder...

I wonder...

A Poem by Gee

Drove past the care home where mum spent her last few years on this planet
Love her to death

Love her to death

A Poem by Gee

Mother in law diagnosed with Alzheimer's


A Poem by Gee

An itch that must be scratched

An itch that must be scratched

A Poem by Gee

The need to write
'til one beating to many

'til one beating to many

A Poem by Gee

Domestic abuse
An idle summer sun

An idle summer sun

A Poem by Gee

A very poor summer in to the UK, much water falling !
God's gift to writing

God's gift to writing

A Poem by Gee

Sometimes I read folk not critiquing but criticising that which is offered up by us mere mortals
Cold coffee and silence

Cold coffee and silence

A Poem by Gee

Early morning musings
Mishaps, a  prolapse and death in dirty water

Mishaps, a prolapse and death in dirty water

A Poem by Gee

Read and be enlightened

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