A Chapter by Kat
Jamarian Empire is at its end. In the galaxy, Messier 83, impatience of the
people was growing every day; food and liquids were growing thin..
A Chapter by Kat
That’s all Kailie felt for the time being. Stuck outside the Joshua house in
the middle of November, the cold was blinding. It&rsquo..
A Chapter by Kat
on the door was beginning to make Kailie’s hand go numb. The wood was old and
broken, much like the other homes on the road. Smal..
A Chapter by Kat
hands were neatly folded together, his back was in the perfect posture. Except
for his thumb toe twitching, Stephen was perfectly still&hell..
A Chapter by Kat
More like levitating above the ground. Panting, Stephen tried to push his way
down on the ground, but there was no point. The more he pu..
A Chapter by Kat
wind died down as they walked the road. Not taking her eyes off of Stephen,
Kailie steadied him every few minutes when he dazed. His eyes ha..
A Chapter by Kat
offered the couch for the three of them. Stephen moved as though his bones were
made of papier-mâché. Bruised everywhere, he..
A Chapter by Kat
winds whirled around the house. They could hear grains of dust hitting the
doors. Coyotes were howling and birds were cawing. Kailie found i..
A Chapter by Kat
Michael Thomason sat in the Lane Prairie Baptist Church for morning prayer. If
there was ever a time for prayer, it would be now, he fi..