Vawn : Writing

Journey of a Writer

Journey of a Writer

A Poem by Vawn

A fun and humorous poem. I made when I thought of writers. Might not be completely accurate, not a publish author myself, but hey I think it captures ..
Your Choice

Your Choice

A Poem by Vawn

The Poem comes from my Novel Mani, where the Main character is taunted by these voices. Hope you enjoy this teaser! :)
Death of a Love one

Death of a Love one

A Poem by Vawn

“Hold on,” You say to th­e doctor. “It’s nottheir time.” Staring at your love one. Hoping, praying, ..
What is suicide

What is suicide

A Poem by Vawn

A free write poem


A Chapter by Vawn

Vawn drifts off into sleep remembering the events of the summer.


A Chapter by Vawn

Vawn stop Blaze from fighting a woman, ending up in the hospital where he wakes up to the woman in his room.


A Chapter by Vawn

Vawn meets a strange little boy in a dark room. Where he finds an even stranger message on the wall. "You Murderer." Who is this message meant for, an..
The long night

The long night

A Chapter by Vawn

The night comes to an end. The strange man, with the mask aim a bullet at Vawn. As he wakes up...
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

A Chapter by Vawn

Vawn sees his mom on the floor, as he is feel with remorse Officer Kain appear and confronts Vawn. P.S couldn't come up with a name for this chapt..


A Chapter by Vawn

Vawn couldn't stop Ana from reaching and removing the eye patch. How will she react when she the strange eye?

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