Song-name title. CS writing commission.
The blood sprayed around me like rain, falling onto the rough road beneath me.My opponent's fear was growing by the second, and I felt brief pity for ..
...Yeah. More song titles.
Ending is really abrupt, and I'm not crazy about it, but oh well.
For Nikolai.
More song titles. WIP.
Part 2 of a comission.
Ignore the title; just some song lyrics I'm listening to for lack of anything.
Part one for a writing comission.
The soft sound of someone clearing their throat caught my attention."I’m here for my exam?”I jerked my head up from the papers in my hand,..
Entry for a contest; my own version of a well-known Native American myth, the Legend of the White Buffalo Woman.
War is coming.Words spoken truthfully, but unbidden, cast aside.Nothing can stop it.Ignorance is said to be bliss, but there is an exception to every ..
Short story on my character, Teroe. Just an introduction.