jcfrancis : Writing

tiny bells

tiny bells

A Poem by jcfrancis

written in bed one night while sleep eluded me...
birthday cake camera

birthday cake camera

A Poem by jcfrancis

inspired whilst reading a children's "word book" to one of my children. left page had a birthday cake, right page had a camera. just sort of took of..


A Poem by jcfrancis

corvid overhead a crow may fly, safely cloaked in midnight’s shade. but glassy eyes, blind with need or hurried by impatient..
walking on grant street

walking on grant street

A Poem by jcfrancis

walking on grant street i walked by the house we used to live in yesterday. it was empty; abandoned. the garden was o..
6 words dark, story 4

6 words dark, story 4

A Story by jcfrancis

6 words dark, story 4irrevocablydone,thewhydidn'tmatter
6 words dark, story 2

6 words dark, story 2

A Story by jcfrancis

Written exclusively for the contest
we're not we

we're not we

A Poem by jcfrancis

written shortly after the death of a close friend, as i struggled daily with the loss of his presence, i stepped into his widow's shoes and wrote thi..
a farewell

a farewell

A Poem by jcfrancis

farewell i leave you with questions in your eyes and a sunset smile. and i will add to the list of things we never di..
6 words dark, story 1

6 words dark, story 1

A Story by jcfrancis

written exclusively for a contest

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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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