godmandistfu : Writing

Story of my (Li)f(e)

Story of my (Li)f(e)

A Story by godmandistfu

This is unfinished, I just can't find more words at the moment.
Outside, Inside.

Outside, Inside.

A Poem by godmandistfu

This was also written when I was thirteen.
Evil Hands

Evil Hands

A Poem by godmandistfu

I wrote this when I was thirteen.
This feeling

This feeling

A Poem by godmandistfu

It's anger.It's sadness.I can feel it, right next to my heart.When I feel it, I want to scream.Most of the time I just want to punch, kick, and throw...
I can't.

I can't.

A Poem by godmandistfu

Hurting. I’m hurting. I want to scream so bad. Please, help me.I can't stop.
I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

A Story by godmandistfu

I thought I loved you, I really did. I want to love you, but I don't.
Dear Charlie, letter #2

Dear Charlie, letter #2

A Poem by godmandistfu

I'm in another world..
Charlie's different.

Charlie's different.

A Poem by godmandistfu

Because Cheyenne told me to :P
Children can be easily confused.

Children can be easily confused.

A Poem by godmandistfu

I remember,When I felt safe around you.You were my security blanket.Every moment I was with you I felt as if nothing could harm me.What I did not real..

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