D. Snyder : Writing

An odd poem I wrote for no reason at midnight

An odd poem I wrote for no reason at midnight

A Poem by D. Snyder

Title is self-explanatory?
Portal Birthday Card

Portal Birthday Card

A Story by D. Snyder

How to say "Bon Anniversaire" with flair.
A Biography of Lupin Frivololofoffagass, VII

A Biography of Lupin Frivololofoffagass, VII

A Story by D. Snyder

Just a silly short I wrote for literature. To, ahem, demonstrate my command of adjectives and pronouns.


A Poem by D. Snyder

Twisting, spinning Round and round I think I’ve heard it-- The silent sound. The reaper whispers in my ear, “..
A Letter to Love

A Letter to Love

A Story by D. Snyder

I express my...concerns.
BP - Big Problem.

BP - Big Problem.

A Story by D. Snyder

Creative, I know. But the title is relevant to the things on my mind--it's more of an umbrella term. (If a complaint is fielded, but no one is there..
Experiment - The Application of Lasers to Disrupt a Virus

Experiment - The Application of Lasers to Disrupt ..

A Story by D. Snyder

Based on some research being conducted out at Arizona State University (I believe). I drafted this for school, but I would like to see it go places. ..
An Old, Unnamed W.I.P. with Promise

An Old, Unnamed W.I.P. with Promise

A Story by D. Snyder

So old! A friend mentioned it, so I dug it up. I hope to finish it, or at least make further progress. Feedback is welcomed, especially on humor an..