MyNameIs : Writing



A Poem by MyNameIs

There’s a snow globe In my closet.It was a gift- a special gift a stupid gift-From long ago given to my great grandfather,Bought at Target, semi..


A Poem by MyNameIs

I don’t know when it happened.Nor do I know whyBut all I know is that suddenly, I’ve lost the urge to cry.I do not shed a tear at pain, De..
Center Stage

Center Stage

A Poem by MyNameIs

The curtain raises its open jaws as you take a step on stage, illuminated only by scorching white hot suns that set your body ablaze, lick your skin l..
Funny Little Tiny Girl

Funny Little Tiny Girl

A Poem by MyNameIs

Dream of bears, and dream of knights, and dream of what's to be. But most of all, little tiny girl, dream happy dreams of me.
Vicious Cycle

Vicious Cycle

A Poem by MyNameIs

Inspired by something I saw while scrolling through Pinterest. It's the relationship between a King, God, and the people.
A Hand

A Hand

A Poem by MyNameIs

A plea for help, a cry of pain Tears will flow and blood will stain A small bruised hand, a sad longing glance The two of you spin, in a dead..
The Dividing Line

The Dividing Line

A Poem by MyNameIs

There's a dividing line between light and dark, and when something is dangling off the edge...
Why Hell Isn't Burning

Why Hell Isn't Burning

A Story by MyNameIs

Hell is based off of your own personal fears. If you ever happened to land yourself in what you assume to be that fiery pits of hell, let it be known ..


A Story by MyNameIs

A vast wasteland- abandoned and forgotten. A piercing, gelid, area that inhabited nothing but white snow, and next-to-no oxygen. The top of Mt. Everes..
The Man

The Man

A Story by MyNameIs

The wrong pathway can lead to interesting endings.

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