Tatyana, a young girl destined to one day be a vigilante, kills for the first time...but not who she meant to kill.
"Inside" is written like an autobiography and explores key experiences and trajedies in the life of a vigilante serial killer. Be warned, there are st..
Something tragic has happened. The protagonist knows that it is her fault, but she is conflicted about what to do next. This chapter is the end of t..
This chapter offers the first look into the mind of Tatyana Bass, our protagonist.
This chapter begins a critical year in the life of our protagonist (a female), when she is introduced to her future lifelong lover - a 15 year old gir..
Tatyana begins to believe that the world is broken when the "authority" at her school fails to protect her from children tormenting her by making fun ..
This is our first look into the life of Tatyana and Chrissie, still lovers after 12 years. Rene tries to commit suicide, fails, and throws a wrench i..
Tatyana Kills someone for the first time, but not who she intended to kill. Her cold nature is foreshadowed.