My love for you is not a fiery storm
that arrives raging at your doors
It is a soothing breeze
caressing your face,
almost imperceptible.
It is n..
A Chapter by Adarsh
Which is better? A happy but ignorant life or an acutely aware but miserable one?
In this book, or section would be a more appropriate word, I will post stray thoughts that wander into my mind sometimes.
Stacked with reckless bricks of apathy,And cemented by your vain pride.Painted with the colours of deceit,And fortified by your egoistical walls.All l..
When her blushing cheeks
That evoked a sigh
Will eventually pale,
When her caring words
That nourished your soul
Will cease to pour..
Scary world out thereBlinding lights one momentPitch black anotherBut we'll make itOne step at a time...One step at a time.Grief crawling under the sk..
All happiness unrealIt's promises sweet but fake,Misery our true friendWe revel in it's wake.
In stellar skies, a beauty thrivesBetwixt a zillion shimmering stars,But none parallels, that sky's apparelWhose beauty makes theirs' seem sparse.With..
Look, aloft is a seed of spring Dancing merrily to ambient tune Beneath cosy sun and pearly moon Blithely aboard on whispering wind's wing. Not far do..
Seeker:On the peak of mountain... ascending to zenith.In
the depth of ocean... plunging into nadir.At the edge of world...
traversing miles.Trut..