charlax : Writing

Easter APril FIVE poems npm charlAX

Easter APril FIVE poems npm charlAX

A Poem by charlax

Easter APril FIVE poems npm charlAX
April 4 2015 poem 4 npm charlax ANgel

April 4 2015 poem 4 npm charlax ANgel

A Poem by charlax

a poem every day this month
April THREE poetry npm charlax

April THREE poetry npm charlax

A Poem by charlax

poem 3 for npm
Mind CLick April 2 npm charlax

Mind CLick April 2 npm charlax

A Poem by charlax

national poetry month is in april 2015
April FIRST 2015 npm

April FIRST 2015 npm

A Poem by charlax

April FIRST 2015 npm — in Cleveland, Ohio. also a new poem every day a note and a picture added to the album ed.note.ed


A Poem by charlax

here is what I meant to convey a THOUGHT the caution before the image and the calm after it comes
coloured dragonfly

coloured dragonfly

A Poem by charlax

a poem about