I can do Your work hereaway from the pewsand the hallelujah-ers.I can do Your work hereaway from the pulpit hoggingpreachers and their perfectpreacher..
You roused me from my sickly sleepwhen you pounded on my door;asking the most trivial questionsand referring to previous conversationswith my parents...
You and Ispoke of God today.God and Religion and The Church.You didn't curse.I didn't cry.We didn't end on a bitter note.I'd say,we're making progress..
Hello gas station man,you look quite nice today.Do you mind if I talk to youfrom behind the windows of my car?Do you mind me watchingyou and your frie..
I want to be the childwho creeps from her bedto lay with a flashlightcompleting that final chaptersimply because morningis too far.Not the one whoslip..