It's been 6 years since it happened... and it may be happening again.
I know its been awhile since i last posted this is the short intro i came up with for a short story
Prelude Part 2December 18th 20123 Days to RaptureEmma Kennedy was buried in her studies when she heard her phone ringing the tune of Amazing Grace."He..
Three hours later“Where’s my sister at? Can I see her?” Marie questioned endlessly.“Miss, your sister passed away a half hour..
“Well, do you know the area well?” Dr. Jones asked.“Yeah, of course I do; I live out there.” Marie said with irritation.&ldquo..
The pain coursed through Marie Smith’s body from the bite. “Lucy,” She yelled to silent, black night, “if you can hear me foll..
"Why?" I’ve asked myself that question for too many years. "Why, why did I answer that call?" That is what started everything to roll downhill...
Watering the sands, creating the lights of Eden,Of flowers in the land of men,In the circus of the stars, guardian angels ruthless in the skyDance the..
Short chapters at first will be lengthened when i can find time in the summer to edit and write some more.
I, Larry Denninger, was in Madrid, Spain when the Artifact was found in Tibet. It had a ghostly stillness surrounding it. From day one the populat..