The cool breeze is air-conditioned, high-speed data that is un-limited.Neighbors always see your locked door, where a party to which you are Un-invite..
You want to earn money and be rich,I want to earn peace and be myself, But you are outside and i am inside....You don't wa..
When you close your eyes, its a scary nightmare.Couldn't move ahead or go back, things just descend.If you find the right question, answer is right th..
the one that was never really seen.
In memory of her
"Someone Who Steals our Heart"
“Swami!!!! meet Raghu his dad got transferred here last week,
you know his dad is Senior engineer at my dad’s compa..
Inspired by Malgudi days
A true Story............
If I amstuck in the middle of the sea,You will even swim to find me!If I am caught in a labyrinth and can't see,You'll be the light to guide me!There ..