the dude : Writing

give in and smile

give in and smile

A Poem by the dude

stream of conscious ramblings... raped.


A Poem by the dude

Have you ever wished you could take a snapshot of the happiest of happy moments to restore when you were at the opposite end of the 'happy spectrum'? ..


A Poem by the dude

written after a battle long ago. I just wanted to share it


A Poem by the dude

...left behind
all in harmony

all in harmony

A Poem by the dude

when the snakes come out...[best if rapped to any Linkin' Park beat]
scar tissue

scar tissue

A Poem by the dude

i wrote this for a poetry contest. i did not win.
serve cold

serve cold

A Poem by the dude

a simple recipe for the unrequited lover
the flay

the flay

A Poem by the dude

to those who've dared to love


A Poem by the dude

// turning caffeine into code; or so i've been told