This is a sonnet I wrote for my mom, who passed away September 25.
As we are born,
oblivious to what’s coming next,
Blind to
Deaf to the
Time sends chills up and down my spine,Like a xylophone is playing along the bones of my back,Its constant motion forward,You can never rewind time,Be..
The inhumane ways of humans,Pride splayed across our hearts,We, we have made society what it is,Sculpting its success and its failures,But need to lea..
Winter 2022Sitting in a house with a warm fireplace,Illuminating the cozy living room,Laying on the couch with you as the snow falls,Covering the grou..
Transcendentalism: holding that the key to knowledge of the nature of reality lies in the critical examination of the processes of reason on which dep..
First poem of a series of poems about my mom's death. She died September 25, 2013 of an asthma attack (without any warning) and was my best friend, al..
Line up, Salute. Ready your Weapons. Aim. Fire.
Training all your life.
to become strong enough to fight off the enemy.
Death, death ..