about step father... I hated his guts and we would have constant battles, yelling, arguements, but anyways. I wrote this when I "felt" I had him and I..
this might be triggering for people trying to quit smoking. this explains my love-hate relationship with tobacco and smoking... I am actually 2 months..
this may be triggering for people struggling with ad eating disorder like myself! I wrot ethis as a way to vent and hopefully get help, it didn't work..
this is a poem I wrote when I was comlpetly pissed off and was really really not healthy in a mental state... I am still dealing with this s**t, but m..
alright, kind of a I love you type of thing. I have a few more I
After I heard about Alexis I almost died inside... So I decided to write this instead of acting on anything. Let me know what you think.
R.I.P. Alex..
this is a letter to my father who I have not spoken to in 5 years, he decided to get up and leave one day. this is for you.
Okay, I wrote this when I was in love with a friend, we had a fight, and now those feelings are gone. but I still like the poem
I wrote this around Christmas, hope you enjoy it! This isn't great, but wanted to put out 2-3 poems today, so hope you enjoy.
This is a poem I wrote to a dear friend when her bf broke up with her, and she wanted to die. Hope you enjoy. Each of my stories/poems have a story b..