Scary walk, scary dreams.
—Stream of thought work, may not be completely coherent.
Themes: Friend Groups, Social Alienation, Online Communities, Education, Positive D..
'Nonsense', no pausing, stream of thought work. Focusing on the current social-paradigm of prioritising the mockery of something over making any attem..
From the perspective of an abused, paranoid, socially-anxious child raised in solitude. Making broth in an attempt to please her captor. Strangely bef..
Smaller pieces written spontaneously in reaction to experiences.
Wreck/ a very windy day in Portstewart.
Dainty/ watching my cat.
Korola/ empathi..
Obsession over strangers. Fixating on one person in a crowd of thousands for reasons you're not entirely sure of.
Written after observing how people tend to act on their first day of university compared to how elder students act.
A vision of the end.
A comparison between writers block and waiting to be sick.