A disappearing star
cool grass on a September night, a raging ocean outside my window
a ball out of left field
a burning furnace, a smooth piece of..
What you think is romance, what you feel is lust and what you see is love but all you are actually experiencing, is a load of BullShit. Yes, to answer..
A Poem About Music
Secrets; locked doors in our brains
Some rattle like fright trains.
Mysterious things,
like birds without wings
releasing them, nothing w..
"You know what my problem is?" She stated. "I base my happiness off others, and I cant control it." I searched her face, my eyes scanning her transluc..
In memory of one of my greatest English teachers...
Rest In Peace
I felt for a moment
a sense of belonging
I think thats why I fell so hard for you.
Not what you said or did but the way you were
when you were wit..
I was nervous, palms sweating,my stomachflipping and turning,I felt sick.I looked for you, searching down narrow hallways,smiling faces passing me.Idi..
Everything was white. All I could see out side the window
were thick powdery snowflakes falling from the sky. There..
A reminiscent story of my Highschool.