Cindy Lou Hoo : Writing

Mistaken Love and the Untouchable Beauty

Mistaken Love and the Untouchable Beauty

A Story by Cindy Lou Hoo

This was written for a story contest (it earned 1st place). It is designed to be vague, all based on Greek mythology.
When Terror Knocks

When Terror Knocks

A Poem by Cindy Lou Hoo

Written in remembrance of those lost in this terrible attack and those left to bear witness to the devastation it caused.
My Light, My Love

My Light, My Love

A Poem by Cindy Lou Hoo

My Light, My LoveOur hearts fit like a glovea strong arma soft shouldera love to growas we get olderhis soft lipshis sweet kisses he grants my wishwit..
Yellow Carnation

Yellow Carnation

A Story by Cindy Lou Hoo

Feb. 14th : every couple’s favorite day, every single person’s least favorite. I fell into the latter group this year, but there was..