Terry Collett : Writing

Nima One Tuesday Morning 1967.

Nima One Tuesday Morning 1967.

A Poem by Terry Collett

That was the third nursewho’d come in her roomoff of the locked ward;the last one quite rudetrying to get herto mix with the nuts,the mental cas..
Geoffrey and Coffee Morning 2024.

Geoffrey and Coffee Morning 2024.

A Poem by Terry Collett

The young barista brought Geoffrey his coffee in the cafe and to his seat by the window. She was pretty he mused as she walked away with that sway of ..
Bill and No End Game 2023

Bill and No End Game 2023

A Poem by Terry Collett

An ex-CIA agent retired and his musings.
Molly and the Shrink With a Wart 1976.

Molly and the Shrink With a Wart 1976.

A Poem by Terry Collett

The shrink had a small wart on the end of his nose, which took most of your attention away from his talking, and you wondered if he worried about it; ..
Benny Reflected 1962.

Benny Reflected 1962.

A Poem by Terry Collett

A dull sky and morning.Benny gazedfrom his bedroom window.His younger brotherwas already downstairshaving breakfast;he could hear musicfrom the radio...
Martha One Afternoon 1965.

Martha One Afternoon 1965.

A Poem by Terry Collett

A young girl as a novice nun.
Mary and Her Letter 1965.

Mary and Her Letter 1965.

A Poem by Terry Collett

The pen leaked on the page; the black blob spoilt the look. You tore out the page of the writing pad and selecting another pen, began. The writing pad..
Joe's Moan.

Joe's Moan.

A Poem by Terry Collett

Life’s a drag;like a bookyou hope willget better,but of courseit doesn’t.You’re brain-washedto expectthat it will.It’s the tho..
Cynara's Note #36 1971.

Cynara's Note #36 1971.

A Poem by Terry Collett

A young woman's note about a day in a locked ward.
Magdalene and the Letter 1965.

Magdalene and the Letter 1965.

A Poem by Terry Collett

The letter was from her mother,a long-winded epistlemostly about her father,which she skipped,and how Martha’s motherhad been unwelland Martha w..

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