The wimpering windsCall for change to showChipping awayAt a thirty year homeOur table is vacantEmpty cups and broken bowlsIn the basement I stayIn the..
Tin flavors in the breezewith plumesbucolicdalliance of a few moonsmany moons ago-optimism I couldn't really touchyears ago, theydidn't know my namean..
I remember moments in the grassand forgiveness that wasn't deservedTimes that I was nakedand covered in bug bitesYour look-it never changedand when I ..
staying upto watch you sleeptimeless nightstake your timetake your timetreating lovelike dead friendsclutch the sheetsshake and ascendshake and ascend..
It never seemsthat the moon alignsand chakra stonesnever feel rightthis summer seemsto be a waste-there's a cloudin your mindand astrological signsare..
Quiet hands brush my chestvisions of the days first blushfevered lovers dressed in sheetsan ear to her breast speaksthe soundand the wavesare precious..