A random piece I thought I was going to continue for Nano... that didn't work out.
Star 1: Blue I saw the most beautiful girl at school today. I caught just a brief glimpse of her in the hallway during passing period. I looked up rig..
Star 11: Pink In theatre, I don’t talk to Tanner much, mostly because she’s busy working where the directors put her, putting together cos..
Star 21: Orange At 2:30 in the morning, my little brother wakes me up. Or, rather, he tries to get into my room, but I keep it locked at night. Groggi..
Star 31: Orange There’s this buzzing sound, I can’t figure out what it is, but it’s really annoying. It’s making it hard for ..
Star 41: Orange It’s almost Halloween. You can tell because there’s already Thanksgiving commercials and Christmas merch up in stores. Eve..
Star 51: Pink I think Sean is a little glad to have the shop space all to himself with Tanner and I working on lights. Well, I try to aid Tanner, but ..
Star 61: Black I really have no idea why that phrase about Iron Man kept bouncing around my head; I hadn’t thought about Iron Man in a while. As..
I'm attempting NaNoWriMo this month, and here's what I have so far.
A poem I wrote for the River of Words contest