People pleaserConflict appeaserYes I agreeBut I want to fleeEmotional painFor me no gainLeave me aloneAdjust your toneJust let me beI need to be freeD..
Hazel flecked irises tilt skywards on this July eveningThe nape of your neck turning seductively to one sideSurges of electricity coursing through the..
How to empower my spirit and soar anew?How to fan the embers of my dreams so true?How to stay focused and achieve clarity?How to bring forth a fresh r..
Ok, so there I am walking about in this fogImagining all kinds of uncomfortable outcomesAh the drama of it all, the self-flagellationThe bittersweet p..
A friendly smile, a welcome inThe Atrium serving drinks withinA band is playing uplifting musicProviding such a soothing tonicAll ages come to worship..
A third...just one third...Of thy precious auraIs all that was visibleTo our innocent eyesAs we journeyed South along our pathTaking care to capture y..
If everyone's trying to be rightWhat hope is there of inner sight?How can we find the middle wayTruly let go and have our say?Let's release old patter..
Passing our fellow man on the street, my curiosity wandersTo the battle within, the emotions, the sensationsThe stories in their minds, as they flow l..
Rain, rain, rain....pissing down the arm outside the umbrellaWhy is there always an arm outside the umbrella?Getting wet and staying quiet.....Why doe..
It's dark in here, and yet has this some meaning?Can emptiness and sorrow lead on to a freeingPath forward into a brighter, and calmer openingIn the f..