My past has just learnedto crawl undermy outermost layerof skin.I scratch. I want to turn inside out,so I can pick outthe shouldn’t havesthe mis..
An answer to The Runaway State's song "SWAY" :)
The concept of time eludes me always.I float along by memories,not the ticks of a clock,or the pages of a calendar,but simply by the number of timesI&..
I guess I have to stop writing about you,even just for the mean time. Maybe as the snow stops falling, I should temporarily cease my feeling for you t..
It is a dreary night when we first meet. He whispers mythical things in my ear as the fog surrounding us rises to great heights. The outlines of black..
I am like an earth worm in love with a star,A pile of ashes dazzled by the sun,A sinner stunned by an angel.And you walk past me,Unaware of my existen..
If only I could bea shiny bubble,whisked away into themagnificent day sky.I wouldn’t have a careat all in this cruel world.I’d have a love..
I stood once so long agoin the middle of a kingdombuilt by soiled handsand dishonest men,you’ll say now we still stand therebut, my friend, I as..
we are the light shinning through the rainy daythe tears of joy masking the painall the smiles that hide the days spent crying awaywe are the makeup y..
She heaved a weary sigh as she let her heavy eyes droop. The four gray walls and four gray towers that overlooked a space of flowers had held her capt..