A prayer praising Aphrodite
Prayer giving thanks to Apollo for his blessing
Boreas, god of the North Wind, god of the cold,bitter breath of winter, purple-winged heraldof snow and black ice, your beard tipped with frost,we kno..
Fierce-hearted Ares, crafty master of battle,lord of war, spirit of war, leader of men,inspirer of deeds, stormer of stone-walled cities,with mighty a..
I call to Hygeia, daughter of wisdom-lovingAsklepios whose shining temples you share,ever-watchful sister of dear Panakeiawho knows all remedies. Brig..
I pray to Eileithuia, gracious granterof relief to those who lie in childbed,daughter of mighty Hera within whose realmyou wield your gift, O ancient ..
Tender-hearted Epione, fair-haired brideof wise Asklepios, mother of cleverHygeia, gentle one who gives comfort and easeto those whose hurt has passed..
Fair Apollo, son of thundering Zeus who holdsin his hands the order of the world, golden godwho parcels health and illness to all as is fit,who holds ..
Wise and watchful Dike, daughter of thundering Zeusand Themis in whom order resides, goddessnever forgotten, we know you now as Justice,sword and scal..
I call to Zeus, great lord of Olympus,upholder of order, upholder of truth,to hear the words I speak on this day,to witness the oath I make before you..