With the Sun looming high in the ocean of sky above, scorched at the Earth below with unforgiving love. Warming the long wild grass, soft to touch un..
As simple words raise in me,With caressing hands in sympathy,In the darkness, I'll be your light.In your weakness, I'll be your fight.All I seem to sa..
Walking towards the pub, I started getting nervous so in one fluent movement I pulled out cigarette and lighter. A quick flick of my hand and the co..
This would be one of those moments where normally Akki would shy away. With the way he stared at her so intently, his eyes fixed sharp and lips press..
Another golden morning greets her face, bathing her simple beauty in caressing warm light. Her eyes burning brightly a greyish blue and lips swurve, ..
Here I am, once again,
All alone inside my head
Close my eyes, I'm alright,
Just try to sleep another night
And I see hurt inside, scaring deep,..
Here I stand, on my own
Can't hold back, can't let go
But if I want to be something
Being something better then I am
Here I go, towards the caus..
I've only realised I've always been on the chase,Lungs heaving from the pace,Heart racing desperate,And you're still strolling off in the warmth of su..
Within the cries of traffic, the breeze settles in, relieving the grand city from a raged sun. Every street bleached in enriched colour, giving the d..
We built a fortress,Standing strong,Grand defenses,around us both.Invasion came,Not from a great force,But from a spy,That you let in.Let it begin.The..