trogers003 : Writing



A Poem by trogers003

Recently at work I learned an ugly truth about someone.
Do it again

Do it again

A Story by trogers003

A long day at work it's been Aching feet and a sore back too I drive toward home thoughts of a comfy chair I enter the door and spy my soft seat..
Pumpkin Head

Pumpkin Head

A Story by trogers003

My father was a long haul truck driver. He always made me feel special, loved and like I was perfect. He passed away in 2005.
What will tomorrow bring

What will tomorrow bring

A Story by trogers003

My mother taught me to be strong.
Dreams of Grandma

Dreams of Grandma

A Poem by trogers003

There was no way I could have known For you left us so long ago Last night while I slept quietly in my bed You visited the the dreams in my he..
Grandma's fudge

Grandma's fudge

A Poem by trogers003

Every Christmas without fail Peanut butter fudge in a pail, Even tho she could barely see She still made her fudge for me, It was creamy, sm..
My Soldier Son

My Soldier Son

A Poem by trogers003

My Son is getting ready to deploy for the 2nd time. He was awarded a purple heart on his first deployment in 2009.
The friend I need

The friend I need

A Poem by trogers003

A poem about needing a friend
A Mothers love

A Mothers love

A Poem by trogers003

She had that special way She could hug all my fears away, She looked at life in a different light Looking back now I see the strength of her f..

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