When stripped to the bone, we're all the same -creatures with secrets we'd rather not ever admit to. Realizations that tell us we could be completely ..
tired, love, little girl
we all want to mean something to this one person, we all want to realize we'd been put on earth for a reason.
We are born, we find purpose, we realize it, we die away, we're born again. The cycle repeats; but we never remember. We make our own purpose, it seem..
People remind me never to be afraid, though I’m not sure if
it’s only because they don’t understand.
There is much to be adm..
Paragraphs of miscellaneous thoughts; they keep coming. Sometimes I think of something and it leads me there, sometimes I think of black and it hits m..
Because I'm worth it, you're worth it, the world's worth giving it a try.
A simple poem illuminating straightforwardly the contrast between life and that of death.
I'm no opponent of marriage; I just believe in the unofficial proclamation of love.
(Yet, should we be restricted to one love every life we live? T..