Stupid, Stupid, Stupid air conditioner always made me cough and sneeze. It blows out-100c air, made me as cold as an ice.
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid air..
Summer Poem
In a hot day of summer, the lion feels hot. He quickly dives into the ocean, but he catches cold when he goes back on land. When he g..
A Story by Chris
I Hate Summer Holiday
I really hate summer holiday, because I have fifty days to do nothing.I asked mum can I do anything, it is a bigmistake. M..
A Story by Chris
Spiders and scorpions lay eggs but they are not insects, their young is called nymphs. They look like their parents when they hatch. And they shed th..
A Story by Chris
Snakes, turtles, crocodiles, lizards ...... are reptiles. Most reptile lay eggson land, nest or hole. The eggs have thick shells to stop them from dr..