poemprincess : Writing

High School

High School

A Poem by poemprincess

I was having a really bad day when I wrote this but anyway this is about how High School can be so cruel


A Poem by poemprincess

This is a poem about a girl at my school who constantly makes fun of me


A Poem by poemprincess

A poem about a crush and the feelings that go along with it


A Poem by poemprincess

This is about the drama group I am in at school.
Pure Silence

Pure Silence

A Poem by poemprincess

I was kind of depressed when I wrote this so yea lol
"Go,Fly,and drift on by"

\"Go,Fly,and drift on by\"

A Poem by poemprincess

Just a poem about how there is no need to worry. But we all do it anyway lol