Earl Musick J : Writing

Wrong and Blind

Wrong and Blind

A Poem by Earl Musick J

Wrong and Blind He thought it was gone but he was wrong and blind, The way he felt, the feeling he thought was right; he thought it washed away wit..
Hidden Love...Let it be seen

Hidden Love...Let it be seen

A Poem by Earl Musick J

Her face is as beautiful as an amazing grace, Her blue eyes sparkle as the glare of light reflects, Her lips so pure and soft like a brand new cloud..
Last Request

Last Request

A Poem by Earl Musick J

As I sit here holding the heat to my knowledge I feel the pressure to push that trigger, but I was stopped by the one who saved a life. I was gett..
Forgive ME, For I Have Sinned

Forgive ME, For I Have Sinned

A Poem by Earl Musick J

I was brought into the game as the one whom shall learn to live with fortune and fame not fire and flames Decisions gone wrong choices chose unce..
Heartfelt Lie

Heartfelt Lie

A Poem by Earl Musick J

Broken down inside as the red glass shattered throughtout the veins throughout the bones into the soul, slicing and cutting it like its nothing but ..
Words From The Soul

Words From The Soul

A Poem by Earl Musick J

You can reach inside rip my heart out let the veins bust and bleed, slice my eyes leave me blind to where blood is all I cry, enter my mind turn and..
Love Never Leaves

Love Never Leaves

A Poem by Earl Musick J

It came and left the way I felt The love I had within my heart It grew to something no one knew, Developed so much it did what it had to do Why i..
A Feeling To Strong

A Feeling To Strong

A Poem by Earl Musick J

This poem is basically the first one I wrote
A Second of Regret

A Second of Regret

A Poem by Earl Musick J

Every second something is meant to happen at that time, but what if it doesnt happen when it should have, would it cause a curve in time or just s..
Reminiscence Your Life

Reminiscence Your Life

A Poem by Earl Musick J

I sit as I view a premonition in the future, a warning, a hunch I must figure out; is it me it’s about or someone else, that I have no whe..

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