SarahV : Writing

Dressed In Red

Dressed In Red

A Stage Play by SarahV

This is a monologue I wrote a couple of months ago. It's one teenage girl's gruesome confession.
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by SarahV

The opening...
Trails of Death

Trails of Death

A Book by SarahV

This is a book I started to write when I was 14, so far I have written 4 chapters yet I am unsure whether to continue.


A Poem by SarahV

This is a poem is about something very personal that unfortunately happened to me. I would love it if you would take the time to read and feedback on ..
The Passenger

The Passenger

A Story by SarahV

This is my short story I wrote when I was 14, it had to be under 650 words. It was part of a piece of work I had to complete in secondary school.