DiegoxDisco : Writing

The Death Of A Loved One.

The Death Of A Loved One.

A Story by DiegoxDisco

My thoughts
Oh Dear, My Dear

Oh Dear, My Dear

A Story by DiegoxDisco

For Anna


A Poem by DiegoxDisco

This thing makes me wonder
Smoke And MIrrors.

Smoke And MIrrors.

A Poem by DiegoxDisco

How I love this one
Did I Forget To Mention That I Love You?

Did I Forget To Mention That I Love You?

A Poem by DiegoxDisco

I am a cool kid. What can I say?
Thoughts Of The World

Thoughts Of The World

A Story by DiegoxDisco

wrote this in 2007
The Fading Road

The Fading Road

A Poem by DiegoxDisco

First Poem I Ever Wrote. I was 7.