- Dreamer * : Writing

Out of the Dark

Out of the Dark

A Book by - Dreamer *

Alexandra had always been invisible among her private school peers. After her best friend forces her into befriending a new handsome, rich and popular..
1. First Impressions

1. First Impressions

A Chapter by - Dreamer *

So sorry. I know this chapter is boring, but I had to introduce the characters sometime. Anyways, enjoy! ^-^
2. Mission Accomplished?

2. Mission Accomplished?

A Chapter by - Dreamer *

Long chapter, I know. I had time. Enjoy. ^-^ (Sorry for skipping around with the scenes. I really didn't want to focus this chapter on her job.)
3. Non-existent Invitations

3. Non-existent Invitations

A Chapter by - Dreamer *

I had a lot of ideas for this chapter, but I decided I couldn't put them all in one chapter. It's long enough already. Enjoy! ^-^
4. Fairytale Life

4. Fairytale Life

A Chapter by - Dreamer *

Not the best chapter, but it's needed. Enjoy! :)